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Milwaukee Journal Speaks on Northwoods High-Speed Internet
Wednesday , Jan 12, 2022
In Kentucky's 'Silicon Holler' and Wisconsin's Northwoods, high-speed internet is creating jobs, and changing lives!
Rick Barrett, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Fri, January 7, 2022, 9:40 AM
McKee, Ky. - Matt and Jennifer Muncy were dangerously close to becoming homeless.
They had lost their livelihood when a local factory sent work to Mexico. They barely subsisted on a string of low-paying jobs that followed.
Raising their four children in a part of Appalachia with a median annual household income barely above $32,000 — about half the national average — had become as lonely as McKee's single traffic light.
“We were literally at a point where we were done,” Matt said, tears welling up in his eyes. “We had each other, and as God is my witness, that’s the one thing which kept me going.”
Click link to read full article: https://www.yahoo.com/news/kentuckys-silicon-holler-wisconsins-northwoods-154003973.html