> Events > The New 'Non-Normal' Post Covid-19
The New 'Non-Normal' Post Covid-19

The Vilas County Economic Development Corporation
The New 'Non-Normal' for Business Post Covid-19
A Presentation & Conversation with Dick Leinenkugel, President & Chief Beer Merchant - Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
2 pm
Our economic and social life will be anything but normal post Covid-19. What does that mean for your business - your restaurant, bar, retail shop, resort? Do you have a plan to re-open - train your employees, serve food and beverage, manage financials, greet and manage guests in this new environment?
Please join us for an opportunity to hear a perspective of the new 'non-normal' from Dick Leinenkugel, President and Chief Beer Merchant - Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company.
Dick will present for 30 minutes and then provide an opportunity for a 30-minute Q & A.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 960 2095 9918
Password: 710641
Phone: 1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID#: 960 209 59918#
We look forward to your participation.
Join Zoom Meeting https://uwextension.zoom.us/j/96020959918?pwd=aW4rc1h5L0Vqd0xRMnpRRzloZUo3Zz09 Meeting ID: 960 2095 9918 Password: 710641 Phone: 1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Meeting ID#: 960 209 59918#