> Events > VCEDC Ask the Experts: Business Taxes, Insurance, Grants & Loans
VCEDC Ask the Experts: Business Taxes, Insurance, Grants & Loans

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Ask the Experts: Answering Your Questions about Business Taxes, Insurance, Grants & Loans
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Tammie Clendenning, Lead Economic Development Specialist
U.S. Small Business Administration
Tammie Clendenning is the Lead Economic Development Specialist for the Wisconsin District of the U.S. Small Business Administration. Tammie is responsible for providing training on SBA’s programs and services including capital access, procurement and business advising. She enjoys talking to entrepreneurs about the many resources available to them at exhibits and networking events. Tammie is the district office technical representative for the Women’s Business Centers in the state.
Jon Chamberlain, CPA
Jon Chamberlain is co-owner of Chamberlain | Otte, CPAs, LLP in Lake Geneva, WI, and the Board Treasurer for the Vilas County Economic Development Corporation. Jon’s practice focuses on individual and business tax preparation and consulting, and specializes in audits of nonprofits, homeowners’ associations and school districts.
Mike Weiland, Agent - Klinner Insurance
Mike Weiland is a licensed agent at Klinner Insurance based out of their Medford, WI office. Mike has nearly 15 years’ experience in the insurance industry having worked in claims, commercial underwriting, and sales. As a proud representative of the Klinner agency his focus is on learning about customer’s businesses and applying the appropriate insurance products to protect against their unique exposures.
This virtual event is held from 12 Noon to 1 PM.
The VCEDC extends its gratitude to Associated Bank for supporting this program.
Click HERE to view the recording.
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